
Julie B. Miller

Professor 文化研究系 办公地点:公元252年 Phone: (210) 283-5062

Ever since I was a kid, I was always interested in religion. I grew up a very dutiful and devout Catholic, but I always had questions. Unfortunately, no one seemed to have any answers, or at least any that satisfied me. 当我上大学的时候, I was excited to find that not only did professors encourage me to ask questions, 但他们也有一些答案. However, they also admitted when they didn't know the answers, or if there really were any. 我发现这种诚实令人耳目一新. After getting my Masters degree and teaching high school for four years at an all boys Jesuit high school, I went back to graduate school to get my doctorate. I wrote my dissertation on the rhetoric of sexual violence in medieval women mystics. I've expanded my research interests since then but am still interested in the foundations of the questions raised by these fields. I very much enjoy working with students and helping them to find the questions and ideas that might propel them through their own life trajectories, 他们有宗教信仰吗?, 文化研究, or not.




  • Assistant Professor Religious Studies, 2000-2006
  • Associate Professor of Religious Studies, 2006-2014
  • Professor of Religious Studies, 2014-present
  • Chair, Religious Studies Department, 2007-2019
  • Chair, Cultural Studies Department, 2002-present
  • 荣誉委员会主席,2014-2018
  • Director, Learning Community Initiative, 2007-2015
  • Peer Reviewer, 安瑟伦学术出版社, 宗教女性主义研究杂志, 神学与宗教教学
  • “Democracy, Values and the 2020 Election.2020年9月24日. UIW. Panel Member. Sponsored by the Center for Civic Leadership.
  • Moral Injury and the Catholic Church: The Sexual Abuse Crisis and the Possibility of Healing.” 讲台上演讲, UIW Research Week, 2020.
  • Panel Member, “Getting Real About Sexuality and Sexual Health: A Candid Discussion with Students and Researchers,冲突和后果:创伤 & Women’s and Gender Studies Symposium, UIW, April 2019.
  • Presentation, “Moral Injury, 性暴力 and the Church,冲突和后果:创伤 & Women’s and Gender Studies Symposium, UIW, April 2019.
  • Verbum Incarnatum,第七卷. 冲突和后果.” J. Miller, B.C. Miele, L. D’Amico and Z. Culverhouse,共同编辑,2019年.
  • Book Review, God on High: Religion, Cannabis and the Quest for Legitimacy by Laurie Cozad. 列克星敦出版社,2018年. 出版商要求审查.
  • From Abstraction to Abjection: The Use of Disgust in the Classroom. 讲台上演讲 at the Annual Meeting of the America Academy of Religion, 2018年11月, Denver, CO.
  • 引导者,"天主教和性.UIW校园讨论. Facilitator. December 2018.
  • Panel Member, “Hook-up Culture and The Catholic Campus.UIW校园讨论. 2018年11月.
  • "Diversity, Inclusion, 以及移情的培养,特邀演讲, UIW教师工作坊, August 2018.
  • "Community Engagement 以及移情的培养," 讲台上演讲, UIW Research Week, 2018.
  • 书评文章, Sacrifice and Delight in the Mystical Theologies of Anna Maria van Schurman and Madame Jeanne Guyon, Notre Dame, Indiana, 圣母大学出版社, 2014. 《菠菜评级排行》,2017年.
  • 讲台上演讲, “Pedagogies of Community Engagement: Wabash Workshop Lessons Learned.” Service Learning Showcase, UIW, March 31, 2017.
  • Panel Member, UIW Civility Week, “Race, Religion and Gender,” September 2015.
  • Presenter, CCVI Missionary Orientation, “Security, Sexuality and Mission, September 2015.
  • 讲台上演讲, “The Feminist Pedagogy of Elisabeth Schussler Fiorenza,uw研究周, February 2015.
  • “Elisabeth Schussler Fiorenza, Feminist Pedagogy, and the College Classroom.” 美国宗教学会 Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, November 2014
  • Presenter and Facilitator, UIW Library Film Series, “Miss Representation,” October 2014
  • 美国宗教学会
  • 基督教伦理学会
  • Catholic Theological Society of America

看大学橄榄球和职业橄榄球, collecting Christmas ornaments from places I visit, 几乎到处旅行, 在海边, 最好是在多岩石的海岸线上.

  • Fellow, NEH Grant, Trauma: Conflict and Aftermath, January 2016-present
  • Fellow, Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning in Religion and Theology,
  • 2016年6月- 2017年6月
  • Thomas French Chair in Religious Studies, 2012-2015
  • 任务继续:Sr. Eleanor Ann Young Award for Truth, Jan 2013
  • UIW Inaugural Leadership Retreat Invitee and Participant, Fall, 2010
  • 2009年春季休假
  • Nominee, UIW Presidential Teaching Award (Spring 2005, 2007, 2010)
  • Fulbright Study Tour in China (Summer 2004)
  • Wabash Center Research Grant (Summer 2002)
  • Wabash Center Teaching Workshop Fellow (Summer 2001-Summer 2002)
  • Featured Scholar in the National Catholic Reporter, “The Word Made Fresh: New
  • 《菠菜评级排行》系列(2001年9月)
  • STAR (Scholar-Teachers Are Recognized) Award, UIW, (Spring 2001)
  • IBM ThinkPad Technology Award, (Spring 2001)
  • Title V UIW Faculty Development Grant recipient (Summer 2001)
  • CHASS Representative to the University Rank and Tenure Committee, 2019-2023
  • CHASS Senate Representative, 2017-2019, 2009-2011
  • Member, President's Council of Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity, 2018-2020
  • 妇女与性别研究 Board, 2018-present
  • CHASS Curriculum Committee, Fall 2016-Spring 2018
  • 荣誉委员会主席,2014-2018
  • 大学研究生会,2016-2018
  • Diversity and Inclusivity Task Force, January 2016-2017
  • Faculty Led-Study Abroad trip to Turkey, May 2014
  • 绿色教育委员会,2013- 2014
  • UIW Mission Effectiveness Committee, September 2001-present
  • University Planning Commission, 2009-Spring 2011
  • 2009年至今
  • 荣誉项目导师,2010- 2012年
  • Chair, First-Year Curriculum Task Force, 2005-2006
  • 教务委员会,2004-2006

女权主义神学, 性暴力, 妇女与性别研究, Trauma, Moral Injury, 环境神学与伦理学, 美国的种族和宗教, 宗教与情感

  • 神学与伦理学导论
  • 上帝与人类的性
  • 基督教伦理
  • 基督教传统中的妇女
  • 女权主义神学
  • 环境神学与伦理学
  • 神学的人类学
  • 历史的耶稣,信仰的基督
  • 了解天主教
  • 种族与宗教
  • 文化研究概论
  • 文化研究研讨会
  • 文化研究高级研讨会