Minda C . Webber

Minda C . Webber

教练 历史系 Office Location: 358 Admin. 建筑物.

I have taught on and off most of my life and the things I have done in life have made me a better teacher. I was fortunate to work in the Texas Oil and Gas Fields as a Geological Consultant when I was younger at a time when not many women were in the Oil and Gas fields. The experiences I had there, I share with my students in teaching about Women's Rights.

I also was also lucky enough to have an editor believe in my writing. I was published by Dorchester (LoveSpell) Books and able to experience autographing my books for actual fans at Book Signing events. The drive to write and edit a book serves me when I am creating Power Points for my lectures.

My sister wrote for cartoons and I was able to be her writing partner for a cartoon series which aired on ABC. This experience really helped me when I taught the 历史 of Animation for several years. So basically, the skills you learn, you expand upon to make your classes interesting and interactive.

  • Master of Fine Arts Teaching. 塔尔顿州立大学/德克萨斯州&M University, Stephenville, TX.
  • Bachelor of Science-历史, West Texas State/Texas A&M大学,坎宁,德克萨斯州.

Adjunct and Online 教练 at The University of Incarnate Word: teaches U.S. 历史上我, World Civilization I, and World Civilization II. 圣安东尼奥,德克萨斯州. 2013年秋季至今

Adjunct 教练 at The Art Institute of San Antonio: teaches U.S. 历史I、U.S. 历史上我I, World Civilization I, and World Civilization II. Taught Fashion 历史上我, Fashion 历史上我I, Art 历史上我 and II, 历史 of Graphic Design. 圣安东尼奥,德克萨斯州. 2010年秋季至今

High School Teacher at Sedona Red Rock High School: taught Earth Science and 生物logy. (temporary one-year position filling in for teacher on hiatus) August 2007- May 2008 ETS: scorer of World 历史 essays. 2018 -现在

Pearson Scorer: scores statewide tests for Maryland Reading, 纽约阅读, 德州写作, 肯塔基州科学, 科罗拉多州的科学, and Aspire Reading (Grades 3-12). 圣安东尼奥,德克萨斯州. 2004年夏季至今

NOLAN ISD taught World and U.S. 历史. 诺兰,TX. 1979年8月- 1980

  • District Manager at First Photo: oversaw district participation in infant photography. Taught employees the photo system. Interviewed, hired, managed, and evaluated employees. Tracked district management plan and prepared annual reports. Developed press releases for television and print for photo programs. Planned and organized booth events. Developed new clientele, and won top sales award four years running. 1997年3月- 2002
  • Geological Consultant for GeorgCo Exploration from 1980 to 1986
  • Geological Consultant for Breck Exploration from 1986 to 1987
  • The Remarkable Miss Frankenstein, Paranormal Historical Romance. Love Spell by Dorchester Publishing; New York, NY; June 2005.
  • The Reluctant Miss Van Helsing, Paranormal Historical Romance. Love Spell by Dorchester Publishing. New York, NY; January 2006.
  • Just One Sip, Anthology Paranormal Romance. Love Spell by Dorchester Publishing. New York, NY; October 2006.
  • The Re-Invented Miss Bluebeard, Paranormal Historical Romance. Love Spell by Dorchester Publishing; New York, NY. 2007年7月.
  • Nominated for Best Paranormal Romance The Daughters Grimm, Paranormal Historical Romance. Love Spell by Dorchester Publishing. New York, NY; July 2008.
  • Phi Alpha Theta Historical honor Society Member and Dean’s List Geological Essays on file at Buffalo Museum, 峡谷, TX.
  • 阿比林地质学会
  • Sculpting in clay and wood
  • 写作
  • 园艺
  • The Remarkable Miss Frankenstein, Won Best Historical Vampire Novel and nominated for Best First Novel from RT Book Reviews. USA Today’s Best Seller list.
  • The Reluctant Miss Van Helsing, Nominated for Most Inventive Novel from RT Book Reviews
  • The Re-Invented Miss Bluebeard, Nominated for Best Paranormal Romance Listed as one of the Top Ten Writers by RT Reviews Magazine in 2007
  • ABC Morning Cartoon "What A Mess": wrote seven scripts with Marilyn Webber that were produced and shown
  • Texas Teacher Certification
  • Certified in Secondary 教育 Certified in: 历史 of Animation and Animation 写作 Course at Warner Bros. 工作室
  • Library Skills Certification
  • 英格兰摄政时期
  • 伟大的战争
  • 罗马帝国
  • 美国革命
  • 世界历史一、二
  • U.S. 历史上我